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I Don't Believe In Prayers - But I Am Glad You Prayed For Me
Jun 7, 2024
2 minutes read

Ricky Gervais - my favorite standup comic - has a bit where he talks about not believing in prayers. Yet, when any of his family is ill, people tell him they’ve put him in their prayers. Even though he won’t cancel the chemotherapy because prayers were offered up on his behalf, he acknowledges that the prayer is a nice gesture.

[—-] I’ve been thinking a lot about friendships recently and I’m starting to realize that a true indicator of a solid person is one who makes nice gestures. Not necessarily because the nice gestures will change your friend’s life or solve their problems, but nice gestures just for the sake of nice gestures. A sign of thoughtfulness, a sign that in that moment you are thinking of the person. I recall when I was actively looking for a job earlier in the year - (if you have been job hunting recently, you will realize the market has been brutal) - a mate would send job posts my way whenever he came across ones that matched my skillset. Sometimes the jobs weren’t a fit, but regardless, I thought that was really kind.

[—-] Nice gestures can be in the form of knowing what you are about to do isn’t inherently bad but perceiving how it can be hurtful to someone, so you simply won’t do it. Nice gestures can be in the form of saying, “I know you don’t believe in prayers, but I will pray for you regardless.”

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